Ash Wednesday in My Self...... hmmm today

>> 3/09/2011

In the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesdayis the first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.

Now is Ash Wednesday. if u think I must go to church and get the ash in my forehead? 
God if U know that everyday I always regret all the mistakes that I have done? yes I sure that U know all about me. I just scared that its just a warning event, or remember celebrate, or only an alarm for self introspection before easter day, or if just a tradition? ok no complain again...... I know the answer is DEPEND .... and I walk in my awareness..... and I never cared for who i am. 

No body perfect event if u can do anything in this world, event you got everything in your life.... 
so... I'm sorry for all my mistakes that I has done, I know... I try hard to be good all my life..... I run too far to see my self.... and may be causes you hurt, I know. I m sorry...

what if we die our body will be ashes? 
Ash.... we just like ash

Well... I decided  go to Kathedral churh after work..... but don't ask me why.....I just wanted to see, observe, feel, and soluble in that atmosphere...  may be its can remind me again..... or... may be...... it make me feel good..... or... idk... This is very different from the previous, cause .....  I have freed my soul to be free... flying around the awareness.....  without any restrictions, but ......
when i can feel U,  God in my life..... in any form, in any atmosphere, in any culture, tradition.... or ceremony..... its the best time for me to give thanks....  

If you ever feel, no onething that you want to complain in this life?  :)

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