Just One thing

>> 3/30/2010

One thing has made me sad
One thing has made me learn
One thing not must to be imposed
One thing has added a wound

If I could speak, I would to say
"why its must be happen?, why it must be created? "
Just like a toy. A public discourse in life.

"forgive me, who could not keep my own heart
who has let myself to cry, and laugh out loud in the air
pardon me, drowning in a variety of problems
and dancing pleasure in deliverance.
I just want to live good without hurting and hurt "

I soared united with the nature
intercourse with the day and the night
secure in the blank wall, kissing with silence
whatever its, thankful for my life 
above all things that fill my hearts 
for the sun that always shining with a smile 
over the moon that shines bright every night
to all my friends and my enemies
for all
contents in the nature 
and for peace, who always knitting in my heart
thank God for one thing

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