only if

>> 4/20/2010

If there is someone who risked his life for a command, where is the location of generosity? 
Rationalism, kastaisme and distinction is a form of stinginess, such as lymph fluid of healing wounds, but the real poison.
sometimes condescension just to avoid the humiliation, and pride is a form of defense from the beggar
If I had grown to be dissidents, it's because I'm looking for the top limit of my obedience
Making black and white as main color which concluded another color, and only revealed his secret to the elected person 


my Morning Diary

"excuse me... your life is waiting !
excuse me... your life is waiting !
excuse me... your life is waiting !"


I open my eyes... slowly..., uniting the soul and the body
I had read that life will never STOP unless DEATH
there are only going forward or stepping in place
so whatever its just "KEEP GOING !!"
oahmm...... get up and take a shower .... :)
my kiss to the world and all xxx

muaaaahhhh....... never end.....


Take a Break

>> 4/18/2010

Thank God for everything you've given to me. 
cool air that I breathe, beautiful plants, and the nature, 
thats always make me smile and peace. 
problems just the fruits of life, and I would't worry about it, 
because I'll always find the answers here.... 
in nature along with Your touch.... 
Thanks God :)


Waktu di pantai bersama kawan


Iam ready

>> 4/16/2010

I was so upset.......,
I'm not going to deal with it anymore!!


I Will Burst.... i think :(

>> 4/13/2010

Feels full, hard, cramped. breath began to choked, like a balloon that will burst, but not yet, very congested, veins in the brain as if clogged. silent ... ... and tense ... ... ... I was not strong even if only to stand up straight, just look in the empty eyes. "Give me the energy of love, God,  so I could love and share again" I want run very fast on empty streets, until I lifted and fly in the universal emptiness that will be created. Drift with the wind. I want scream and cry as much on the stretch of silent beach. Leaving my voice shout collide with the wind and waves, with tears melt in the sea.

My soul whispers to my self: "let's finish up... one by one ... This step will be light, dont forget to smile, everything will be ok." God, plz hug me tonight..... Z....z...z...z.zzzz...


miss u

>> 4/08/2010

I see the large of darkness skies 
are bombarded with a million stars,
fun with flickering light. beautiful ... 
make me frozen in the night 
looking upstar 
then stunned ....

I miss u dad, all the time with u
fished on the beach together
swim in the pool ...
go around the town ...
your tickled on the bed every morning
hmm... 5 years already passed

then fell asleep ...
'til the morning comes
good morning ... :)


Just my self

>> 4/05/2010

I moved away
I will find by my self
in ignorance conditions
which always beautyfull
like a babies 
do not think ...
not yet filled with consciousness
haven't sense of self ..

walked in silence
without a self-awareness 
pulled over to enjoy the nature
the wind caressing my body
the smell of wet from the rain
the sound of leaves close to my heart
the sun began to fall with slowly
cloud created their paintings 
in silence, I hear the song of nature

sit alone, eliminating my self
immersed in this life
friendly touch ...
always feel comfort here.....
a place which always have a bigest peace
soluble in mysterious silence
flow ....
peace ... 
do not remember ... 
unknown ...
and here I am

this is where I separate what is relevan from what is not relevant
when trapped in a word, meaning, and mind, not seen how it all works
all struggles to defend my self just a waste of energy
none of which are irrelevant in this life
God is everywhere



Song of nature

>> 4/04/2010

This afternoon is cloudy
I smell the fragrance of nature
absorbed into my mind, give me comfort 
drizzle began to heard, in the middle the sound of water in the pond.
my koi's friendly jump with enjoying the foods 
wind touching friendly, my heart felt comfort
I can hear voices of dancing leaves 
I feel touch with nature


Forgive me

>> 4/02/2010

 forgive me
I flying across the borders 
fun in my repair brain shop
invites you to climb roller-coaster in life 
and make you headaches and tired



>> 4/01/2010

I know the answer
makasih yah nurani ...

everything will be ok
n life must be go on
i don't want to push again
hope your happiness

bless, and perpetual
so... bye... bye..... 
my lovely friend

I will go ... 

I willl jump to catch the star
with my heart n my soul
with my love n my peace
i belive i can...

one day
may be we can say
"hi" again


I don't want to be a loser

If I can run, I want to run away from all this mess 
but I can not run, I don't want to be a loser
In this mess I was looking for a silence 
and in a silence I feel a lot of chaos 
God, allow me to rest ...
everything is melting in a vacuum 
and I ... could not see anymore 
I can not explain it again ...
nothing more than this ... 

but, I really smile...
although it was messy
although i have tear on my cheek
all come and go ...
all that remains just the meaning
I dont want anything ...
I take a breath ...
release ...
just breath, just a sigh ...
I live because of breath

and I'm still breathing

outside is crowded ...
Inside is quiet ...
quiet ... n silence ... (I like)
"I accept all to be my sincere devotion in this life""
now all gone in silence ...


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