Just statement

>> 3/05/2011

if you give me a rope, I will jump with my feets
if you give me a fence, I will climb with my hands
if you give me a wall, I will destroy with my mind
if you give me a blow, I will hit with my emotions
I am a women, not need a cage to stay
if you give me a smile, i give u hug to make u happy
if you give me your respect, I will there to adore you 
if you give me your pure heart to love, I will there to be with u
if you give me your loyalty, I will give you my devotion
I am a women, need peace place to put my heart 
if you want to be happy, u must know how to make happy
if you want to be love, u must know how to love
if you want to be eternal, u must know how to be eternal 
cause we never get if we dont know how to get all
life is to learn, and experience make us rich

Do not live in a pleasant lie, but live in honesty, even if it hurts

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